For knowledge institutes
Consortium building & matchmaking
Increasingly, research funders require companies and other social parties to be actively involved in research proposals and to provide co-funding for the research. Innova Connect has an extensive network in the business community and supports you as a researcher in building a public-private research consortium.
>> Reference projects:

Matchmaking event Makeable Soils
In 2019, NIOO-KNAW and the Center for Soil Ecology wanted to organize a meeting with societal stakeholders on the subject of ‘Makeable soils’. The scientific question that was central to the meeting was: is it possible to direct soil biodiversity towards multifunctional soils? Think, for example, of soils that contribute to both high agricultural productivity and CO2 sequestration. The meeting brought together about 30 participants from diverse backgrounds – business, government, science – and provided a platform for the exchange of ideas on the subject. The meeting was agenda-setting and provided insight into the interest in this topic among societal stakeholders.
For knowledge institutes
Proposal writing & lobbying
Writing proposals is a time-consuming activity, costing researchers up to 30% of their time. Innova Connect offers support in writing proposals for research and innovation projects. This can vary from final editing to writing a complete proposal, based on the concepts and ideas of the researcher(s) involved. In addition to writing proposals, it may sometimes be necessary to put a subject on the agenda of funding organisations or to argue for sufficient budget for a large research program. Such lobbying opportunities are particularly relevant at the European and regional levels and in specific public investments.
>> Reference projects:

Sowing Seeds of Knowledge
In 2020, Innova Connect, together with trade association Plantum and WUR Plant Breeding, wrote an application for the so-called ‘Kennis op Maat’ funding scheme. This grant is aimed at the transfer of knowledge from ongoing and completed research to SMEs. The primary target group of the ‘Sowing Seeds of Knowledge’ proposal is SMEs in the plant propagation industry: companies active in the breeding and/or propagation of seeds, cuttings, seed potatoes, or young plants. The application, which involves approximately EUR 300,000 in subsidy, has been granted.
For knowledge institutes
Knowledge transfer & valorization
The importance of knowledge transfer and valorization of research is increasingly recognized. Research funders increasingly reserve budgets for activities that guarantee that newly generated knowledge not only leads to scientific publications, but is also picked up by companies and other social organisations. While the strength of most scientists lies in doing groundbreaking, innovative research, it is the passion of Innova Connect to ensure that results and insights from research ‘land’ in practice.
>> Reference projects:

Networking event ‘Research, what’s in it for me?’
Plant breeding companies and other companies in the plant propagation industry are known for high investments in R&D and close collaboration with scientific research. However, there’s a lot of variation within the industry. Particularly among SMEs, there are many companies that have much less experience with participating in scientific research. To inform and inspire these companies, Innova Connect organized a networking event in 2017 for trade association Plantum. The plenary part of the program offered, among other things, an overview of new developments in plant science research and insight into the subsidy options for research and development. There was also a panel of several SMEs who had made the switch to collaboration with scientific research, and who shared their experiences in this regard. Central to the program were the breakout sessions. In these sessions, the participants discussed a topic relevant to them in small groups. These discussions were guided by a moderator and attended by a content expert. The breakout sessions were set up in such a way that possible obstacles to participating in research were discussed. There was also a knowledge market and many networking opportunities. With about 60 enthusiastic participants, mostly from SMEs, the day was a great success.
For knowledge institutes
Training & coaching
Collaborating with companies and other stakeholders often requires new skills from scientists. Based on years of experience at the intersection of science and business, Innova Connect provides training in this area. Personal coaching programs are also possible.
>> Reference projects:

Horizon Europe Online Training
With a budget of >95 billion euros, of which 9 billion in agri-food, Horizon Europe is the ambitious successor to Horizon2020. Together with Hague Corporate Affairs, Innova Connect has provided several online training courses at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 on how to obtain funding for research and innovation via Horizon Europe. Special attention was given to opportunities to put a subject on the agenda through lobbying. Participants in the training were established companies as well as startups and knowledge institutes.