For companies
Scouting for innovation opportunities
For companies that want to innovate in a certain area, Innova Connect offers the possibility to actively identify opportunities that contribute to the success of the intended innovation. These opportunities may consist of contacts with researchers or other partners that are necessary for the intended innovation, and/or of presenting current subsidy schemes.
>> Reference projects:

Sector organization arable farming
‘BO Akkerbouw’ is the central platform and knowledge center for arable farming in the Netherlands. One of the central tasks of BO Akkerbouw is the implementation of the research and innovation program. BO Akkerbouw has its own resources to carry out research. These resources are provided by the arable farming sector itself. BO Akkerbouw strives to use these resources as effectively and efficiently as possible. In connection with this, BO Akkerbouw wanted to be able to respond to opportunities for EU funding for research (Horizon Europe). In the context of collaboration, BO Akkerbouw also wanted to gain more insight into research groups working on certain topics elsewhere in Europe. Innova Connect has supported BO Akkerbouw on both topics.
For companies
Innovation inspiration session
Ideas for new services and products can often only arise when you dare to let go of the existing and give room to the imagination. Innova Connect supports this process by organizing innovation inspiration sessions for your company or organization. The (latent) needs of your customers are central to the innovation inspiration sessions. The inspiration we offer is based among others on current scientific literature.
>> Reference projects:

Reduction of agricultural emissions
‘Mineralen en Middelen Meester’ is a foundation in the Dutch province of Zeeland, committed to reducing the emission of minerals and crop protection products onto the surface water. In 2016, Innova Connect gave an inspirational lecture for this foundation, about the question “how can innovation contribute to reduction of emissions of crop protection products?”. In the lecture, Innova Connect offered ideas for an IPM approach to the most important problem substances, based on recent research and developments at innovative companies.
For companies
Desk research
Sometimes as a company you want to know in a short time what science says about a certain subject, or what the state of the art is in a certain area. This can be part of a market survey or of the decision-making process for new R&D investments. To this end, Innova Connect offers quick scans and desk studies based on scientific literature and other relevant sources.
>> Reference projects:

Exploration of new crop in the breeding portfolio
A plant breeding company considered starting a breeding program in a crop that was new to them. As an initial exploration, the company needed more insight into the market and the playing field. Innova Connect has helped the company visualize the market and important players in it, important breeding goals, and technical challenges in the crop. This inventory contributed to the customer’s decision-making.
For companies
Tailored support
Innovation can be erratic and unpredictable. As a company, you enter unknown territory. In that unexplored area, questions sometimes arise that do not fit into a well-defined format. Or you need supervision or support to get the most out of your research or innovation projects. Also in such situations, Innova Connect offers advice and support.
>> Reference projects:

Determining the aggregation level for the innovation box
The innovation box is a tax instrument that gives innovative companies in the Netherlands a discount on corporate tax. The profits arising from products that are the result of R&D efforts by companies are thus taxed at a lower rate. A number of conditions apply to qualify for the innovation box. Furthermore, it is important to determine at which aggregation level within the company the innovation box should be applied. Is that at the level of individual products, product groups, departments, or the entire company? A plant breeding company was discussing this question with the tax authorities. Together with the accountant of this company, Innova Connect showed that the level of the business unit (including the R&D department) is the most appropriate level of aggregation.